Be inspiring or be inspired.....

Hello friends!
                         Been three days,I couldn't post because of  busy schedule ,but now i'm here again.Friends now a days we hold the whole world in our hands in form of internet in our cell phone,tabs and laptops etc.It is up to us how we utilize these ,either we waste our time in this virtual world or use this virtual world to make our real world worth living.
                         Recently on Facebook i came across a Pakistani page "AS IF I HAVE EATEN".This page is a fine example of humanity,selflessness and use of social to actually make a difference.The most viral incident relates to Baba Hameed.And not only the efforts of page admin to help Baba Hameed,but also the reaction of page visitors was incredible and it was enough to restore someone's faith in humanity.
                       Actually Baba Hameed needed some money for her daughter's marriage but was unable to do so till the page admin meet him.The story was posted to Facebook page and received an extraordinary  respone.Actually the page admin had to request people to stop remitting money in account set up for Baba Hameed's help.
                      So guys,this was only one example that i shared here but i'm sure there are many people out there doing the same.Either help them in their cause,be inspired or do it yourself,be inspiring.
                    This was all for today guys,must visit the page link is embedded and yeah,do visit our page "LIFE PASSIONS",we too need your support.Comment below and share our post if you like it.Till next post GOOD BYE. 
